Hi my name's 👋🏻

Adrian Phuong

I'm a student at University of California - Santa Cruz
studying Computer Science: Game Design.

Tech Stack


A passionate Full-Stack Developer
based in San Jose, California 📍

I'm an enthusiastic full-stack developer driven by a mission to bring ideas to life through code. My journey in technology started with a keen curiosity and a goal to understand both front-end and back-end intricacies in web development. I've built a strong foundation in languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for creating user-friendly interfaces. Additionally, I'm well-versed in server-side technologies like Node.js and Python to develop seamless and dynamic web experiences.


Some of my creations 💻

Lua, Hyra API
A game development project on ROBLOX. Players can fish in a simulated environment, earn coins, traverse new islands, and data is stored after leaving the game.
🎮 Game Link
DayLog 📝
React.js, Express, Node.js, HTML,
Tailwind CSS, MySQL
A diary logging web application that can be used to write and store notes. Uses MySQL to save entries and reopen them.
PlatePal 🍽️
Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, Javascript,
Spoonacular API
A recipe web application that allows users to search up recipes to make and store favorites through local storage.
My To Do App 📆
MongoDB, Express, React.js, Node.js, HTML, CSS
A time managing web application that allows users to write, save, edit, and delete tasks. Uses MongoDB to effectively save data and restore it on refresh.


Thank you for reading my portfolio

I'm always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow as a developer. Whether it be frontend, backend, or both, the challenges that come along with it excite me. I'm open to meeting like-minded individuals; feel free to connect with me!

Email 📩 LinkedIn